November 24, 2022

Improving Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics Innovation and Translation to Clinical Practice in Central Europe

Project name: Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics Innovation and Translation to Clinical Practice in Central Europe

Project acronym: ADDIT-CE



Type of action: HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions

Granting authority: European Research Executive Agency

Project starting date: fixed date: 1 January 2023

Project end date: 31 December 2026

Project duration: 48 months

Estimated budget: 4 939 299.50


More than 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia. Alzheimer disease (AD) is the main cause of this fatal disorder, without any effective disease modifying therapy. Early diagnosis and lifestyle modifications can significantly reduce the costs of care and treatment. There is no conceptual plan implementing modern diagnostic methods in the clinical practice in Czechia and Slovakia. The interaction between universities and private sector developing molecular diagnostic tools is fragmented and lacking. Limited number of talented students are invested in applied AD-focused research. The aim of ADDIT-CE is to interlink two ecosystems in Brno and Bratislava region, embracing the full quadruple helix of innovation driving actors: excellent scientific teams from Masaryk University and Slovak Academy of Sciences, collaborating with top biotech companies: MultiplexDX, Geneton and BioVendor. Societal actors will be represented by organizations such as Slovak and Czech Alzheimer Societies, Memory Center and Czech Brain Aging Study. The regional government will be involved via Ministry of Health Slovak Republic, and South Moravian Innovation Centre. The joined ecosystems will unite R&I activities focusing on new diagnostic methods and their applications and further interlink academia and business spheres by creating a pilot industrial PhD program. ADDIT-CE will generate a joint cross-border strategy covering basic and applied research activities aiming on accelerating the development of new tools for preclinical AD diagnostics and lifestyle/pharmacological intervention monitoring.

New cutting-edge technologies will be transferred into clinical practice. Results of ADDIT-CE will be used to develop the Slovak National Plan to Combat Dementia, to enrich the Czech National Plan for AD, and will be widely disseminated to end users and society. ADDIT-CE will join forces of the involved ecosystems to revolutionize diagnostic approaches in both countries.

Project website: ADDIT-CE -


MultiplexDX became part of the international consortium that will improve the Alzheimer's disease diagnostics

Alzheimerova choroba môže zvalcovať našu ekonomiku, hovoria vedci Žilka a Čekan, ktorí chcú vyvinúť lepšiu diagnostiku (

Čekan: Konzorcium vedcov získalo grant 5 miliónov (

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101087124

About MultiplexDX

MultiplexDX is one of the most innovative biotech corporations, created to bring its revolutionary technologies to the market of personalized molecular diagnostics. The company has representation in both U.S. and European markets. The collaborators of MultiplexDX are from the world’s most prestigious scientific organizations including the National Cancer Institute, Rockefeller University, Albert Einstein University, Vanderbilt University, Cornell University, Queens University (Canada), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (Germany).

MultiplexDX IP-based and innovative platform merges histopathology methods, biomarker quantification, visualization and gene expression with a single-cell resolution by combining MDX proprietary visual and sequencing technologies into one diagnostic test. This cross-validation approach eliminates diagnostic errors and creates 100% precise cancer profiling for each patient which allows clinicians to suggest specific, personalized cancer treatment.

Find out more about MultiplexDX on Corporate website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter

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