November 24, 2023

We joined forces with one of the largest healthcare providers in our region

MultiplexDX had the opportunity to present our diagnostic test Multiplex8+ to one of the leading healthcare providers, Agel. A discussion with the oncology expert team from Agel followed the presentation.

Both companies agreed to cooperate and signed an official agreement to help deploy our test for more breast cancer oncology patients. Our Multiplex8+ diagnostic test goes beyond universal approaches and provides personalized information that allows physicians and healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans to everyone's needs.

We are thrilled to expand our partnerships and appreciate a warm welcome at Agel Group.

For more information, please visit - Lekári skupiny AGEL a vedci z MultiplexDX budú spolupracovať pri diagnostike rakoviny prsníka a efektívnej liečbe onkologických pacientok | Nemocnica AGEL Košice-Šaca.

About MultiplexDX

MultiplexDX is one of the most innovative biotech corporations, created to bring its revolutionary technologies to the market of personalized molecular diagnostics. The company has representation in both U.S. and European markets. The collaborators of MultiplexDX are from the world’s most prestigious scientific organizations including the National Cancer Institute, Rockefeller University, Albert Einstein University, Vanderbilt University, Cornell University, Queens University (Canada), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (Germany).

MultiplexDX IP-based and innovative platform merges histopathology methods, biomarker quantification, visualization and gene expression with a single-cell resolution by combining MDX proprietary visual and sequencing technologies into one diagnostic test. This cross-validation approach eliminates diagnostic errors and creates 100% precise cancer profiling for each patient which allows clinicians to suggest specific, personalized cancer treatment.

Find out more about MultiplexDX on Corporate website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter

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